FC Bergman was founded in 2008 by six actors / theatre-makers / artists: Stef Aerts, Joé Agemans, Bart Hollanders, Matteo Simoni, Thomas Verstraeten and Marie Vinck. FC Bergman has been a permanent Toneelhuis theatre-maker since 2013. In a short time, this group of makers has developed a highly unique theatrical idiom, which apart from being anarchistic and slightly chaotic, is essentially visual and poetic. Their productions often give centre stage to the floundering, ever-striving human. The most recent and impressive production in that series, JR, literally and figuratively takes this theme to the next level. Simoni and Hollanders have since left the core team and now work on an adhoc basis with FC Bergman.
In 2009 FC Bergman won the Young Theatre Prize at Theater Aan Zee with its adaptation of Harold Pinter’s The Homecoming. With Walking along the Champs-Elysées with a tortoise so as to have a better look at the world, but it is difficult to drink tea on an ice floe if everyone is drunk FC Bergman was short-listed for the Dutch Theatre Festival (2010). In 2011 FC Bergman created 300 el x 50 el x 30 el at Toneelhuis, a production still on the repertoire. Terminator Trilogy, created in 2012, was again a site specific work that toured internationally. Back in Toneelhuis (where FC Bergman is a collective in residence) they created an impressive music theatre project, Van den vos (December 2013), together with Liesa van der Aa, Muziektheater Transparant and Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop (DE). In 2015 FC Bergman made a site-specific show Het land Nod (The Land Of Nod): “In this atmospheric, scriptless production FC Bergman measures up to the greats: the mystical naturalism of Romeo Castellucci, the disconsolate absurdism of Christoph Marthaler, and the dancing dynamics of Pina Bausch. And all that gives Het land Nod visual grandeur†– Wouter Hillaert in De Standaard ***, May 9th 2015. The show was invited to participate in 2016 in the Festival of Avignon (FR) and the Zürcher Theater Spektakel (CH).Het Land Nod remains on the repertoire (and after Spain, France and Poland is now also going to Russia and Italy
In March 2018, FC Bergman completed JR. This site-specific project based on the eponymous cult novel by William Gaddis has since been acclaimed as the major theatre event of 2018. Through an ingenious interweaving of film and theatre, powerful acting with strong dialogues and astounding scenography, FC Bergman has taken his work to another level. At the same time, the company has remained true to itself, in the course of the show painting a picture of a world in which man fights against the windmills of his existence in vain. The show has meanwhile met with success in Paris and in the 2019-2020 season it can be admired in Brussels. Plans for Hong Kong and New York are also taking shape…
In the 2020-2021 season, FC Bergman is creating The Sheep Song, a wordless performance about a creature that is no longer content with its lot. It feels it is capable of more, is destined to lead a more glorious life than that of its fellows.
The members of FC Bergman are individually involved in various other theatre productions, TV projects and films or make productions, installations and videos under their own name.